You Can Easily Master Habits at Any Stage of Life and Be Happy

Follow, learn, reflect, and grow

Shrenik Shah
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


We all have hidden desires to master tricks of all trades and become proficient. I have gained the expertise, skill, and patience to understand the traits, and I will try to be as brief as possible to do justice to this superpower. What’s that, you may ask? It’s “Habits.”

Let’s dig into the details:


If we do this “X,” we will achieve “Y.” In simple terms, the routine we follow and practice in our daily lives becomes our way of life.

Habits we practice in our daily lives follow us till the end. Whether right or wrong methods, if done regularly, it will cling to our routine. Healthy habits can shape us or break us. How? For Example, since childhood, we have been told to go to school and learn. If not obeyed, it leaves us behind on the syllabus, and it holds up growth.

Being disciplined with our routine will help us master the craft. Consistency will help us level up.

If we understand this on a deeper level, it will crack open a simple process to achieve value.

How to form healthy habits

  1. Identify methods that are harmful in routines and fix them.
  2. Assess the abuse done to your emotional, physical self, and look for ways to improve that.
  3. Execute healthy ideas in your life and stick to them until you feel content.
  4. Be Calm and don’t pressurize yourself.
  5. Learn to appreciate yourself and others around you. By doing this, you can create a positive aura.
  6. Always look at the bright side and blow out the negative portion.
  7. Try to adapt lifestyle routines that fill you and have a positive force in your life.

How can you achieve success?

There are no shortcuts in the hunt for perfection. It means success can’t cut through fast. It needs time; the toll on the mental and physical self will reap fruits in the long run. Every person agrees it has layers to it and firmly peels it off step by step.

Personal growth is slow and a time taking process. It takes time and effort to reverse adverse effects on the self. The person who stands tall against all odds wins the race against temptations.

Protect your energy and invest in functional tasks. By doing this, you’re thinking about your time, and you learn to value yourself. Slice down on negative thoughts and focus on growing yourself.


No guru or wisdom can change you until you decide to take action. A life lived spiritually has many benefits to self and others around them. Leading a happy life is the ultimate desire for many. People who aspire to defeat ill views and choose to change habits can grow in life. Ultimately, continue to lead a joyful life.

Mindful choices bring us closer to spiritual living. Being aware of the outcomes of decisions taken in life is close to being alive. Some teaching in life is precious, and some are harmful. Learn to differentiate them.

So, ask yourself, you want to be alive for the rest of your life or stay numb?

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me directly. I would love to hear from you.



Shrenik Shah
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

MBA Graduate | Avid Traveler | Entrepreneur | I talk about Self Growth, Mental Health, Fitness, Habits, Travel & More ➡️